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Financial Planning: 4 experts share tips on how to plan your finances for 2024

Trivesh D, COO, Tradejini

Let’s take the example of a 25-30-year-old working professional. The first thing they need to do is have an objective plan. Divide your objectives into short-, medium-, and long-term goals. Don't aim for millionaire status by next month. Start small and specific. Small wins will definitely keep you motivated.

Also, hold your horses on buying individual stocks unless you research enough about the companies. Remember, you invest in a business, not in a stock. The smartest way is to start investing in mutual funds. Mutual funds are your friendly guide. Be disciplined while investing in mutual funds for the long term. Ideally, you should increase your investment by 10% every year. And over the years, see your money grow calmly while you get used to the market's ups and downs.

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