List of charges

Note on charges

Securities Transaction Tax (STT) / Commodities Transaction Tax (CTT)

STT is the tax levied by the Government when transacting on the securities market through any of the stock exchanges. It is levied on both “Buy” and “Sell” side when trading results in delivery and only on sell side when trading does not result in Delivery (like intraday or in F&O). Trading in currency segment is exempt from STT. CTT is levied by the Government when transacting in the commodities market again only on the sell side.

Exchange Transaction Charges

Exchange Transaction charges are levied by Exchanges on the traded volume of the customer. This is generally specified in terms of rupees per Crore of Turnover. Please note that BSE charges higher transaction charges separately for various
groups of securities
(P, R, X and Z group XC, XD, XT, Z and ZP).


Tax levied by the government on the services rendered is calculated presently @ 18% on brokerage, exchange charges and any other charges for services rendered by broker or exchange.

SEBI Charges

The SEBI charges is calculated presently @ Rs. 10 per crore (w.e.f. 01.06.2021) for both intraday and delivery trades on the traded volume of the customer in all segments.

IPFT Charges

The IPFT charges is calculated @ Rs. 10 per crore of the traded value in NSE Equity Segment & Equity Futures and @ Rs. 50 per crore of the traded value in NSE Equity Options (w.e.f.01.04.2023).

Stamp charges

Unified Stamp duty on value of contract to be paid by Buyer for all transactions across segments, …read more for further details

Call-n-Trade Charges

A nominal amount of Rs. 50 + GST is charged extra per executed order placed through our dealing desk & Intraday (MIS) positions squared by our RMS team.

DP (Depository participant) charges

AMC (Annual maintenance charges)Rs. 300 + GST per year
DP transaction charge of Rs.14.5+ GST per scrip (for any value)will be debited for all sell side transaction only.
For Mutual Fund Rs.14.50 + GST per folio (for any value) will be debited for Demat redemption.
As per Govt Notification w.e.f. 01st Jul 2020 all Off Market Transactions in Demat account would be subject to stamp duty charges on upfront basis @ 0.015% of the consideration value.
DP transaction charge of Rs.14.5+ GST per scrip (for any value) will be debited for all stock movements from client account to TRADEJINI Margin Account.

Payment Gateway charges

Payment gateway charges of Rs.9.00 + GST per transaction.

Margin Pledge / Unpledge charges

Rs. 32 + GST for Pledging and unpledging of Stocks for Margin benefit.

Margin Penalty charges

In case of non maintenance of Margins in all Derivative Segments as per Exchange prescribed norms – Exchanges charges Penalty charges for such shortfall and the same is passed on to the client for details please click here on NSE and MCX.

Note on charges

Securities Transaction Tax (STT) / Commodities Transaction Tax (CTT)

STT is the tax levied by the Government when transacting on the securities market through any of the stock exchanges. It is levied on both “Buy” and “Sell” side when trading results in delivery and only on sell side when trading does not result in Delivery (like intraday or in F&O). Trading in currency segment is exempt from STT. CTT is levied by the Government when transacting in the commodities market again only on the sell side.

Exchange Transaction Charges

Exchange Transaction charges are levied by Exchanges on the traded volume of the customer. This is generally specified in terms of rupees per Crore of Turnover. Please note that BSE charges higher transaction charges separately for various
groups of securities
(P, R, X and Z group XC, XD, XT, Z and ZP).


Tax levied by the government on the services rendered is calculated presently @ 18% on brokerage, exchange charges and any other charges for services rendered by broker or exchange.

SEBI Charges

The SEBI charges is calculated presently @ Rs. 10 per crore (w.e.f. 01.06.2021) for both intraday and delivery trades on the traded volume of the customer in all segments.

IPFT Charges

The IPFT charges is calculated @ Rs. 10 per crore of the traded value in NSE Equity Segment & Equity Futures and @ Rs. 50 per crore of the traded value in NSE Equity Options (w.e.f.01.04.2023).

Stamp charges

Unified Stamp duty on value of contract to be paid by Buyer for all transactions across segments, …read more for further details

Call-n-Trade Charges

A nominal amount of Rs. 50 + GST is charged extra per executed order placed through our dealing desk & Intraday (MIS) positions squared by our RMS team.

DP (Depository participant) charges

AMC (Annual maintenance charges)Rs. 300 + GST per year
DP transaction charge of Rs.14.5+ GST per scrip (for any value)will be debited for all sell side transaction only.
For Mutual Fund Rs.14.50 + GST per folio (for any value) will be debited for Demat redemption.
As per Govt Notification w.e.f. 01st Jul 2020 all Off Market Transactions in Demat account would be subject to stamp duty charges on upfront basis @ 0.015% of the consideration value.
DP transaction charge of Rs.14.5+ GST per scrip (for any value) will be debited for all stock movements from client account to TRADEJINI Margin Account.

Payment Gateway charges

Payment gateway charges of Rs.9.00 + GST per transaction.

Margin Pledge / Unpledge charges

Rs. 32 + GST for Pledging and unpledging of Stocks for Margin benefit.

Margin Penalty charges

In case of non maintenance of Margins in all Derivative Segments as per Exchange prescribed norms – Exchanges charges Penalty charges for such shortfall and the same is passed on to the client for details please click here on NSE and MCX.

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