What are market-wide circuit breakers?

Market-wide circuit breakers are safeguards implemented to temporarily halt trading when the market experiences rapid and substantial movements, either upward or downward, beyond predetermined limits. These circuit breakers are activated based on the movement of either the BSE Sensex or NSE Nifty 50, whichever breaches the set limits first.
The index-based market-wide circuit breaker system operates at three stages of the index movement: 10%, 15%, and 20%. Here’s a breakdown of the triggers, their corresponding trigger times, and the resulting market halt durations:
10% Trigger:
Trigger Limit: 10%
Trigger Time:
Before 1:00 pm: 45 Minutes halt, followed by a 15-minute Pre-Open Call Auction Session
At or after 1:00 pm up to 2:30 pm: 15 Minutes halt, followed by a 15-minute Pre-Open Call Auction Session
At or after 2:30 pm: No halt, not applicable for Post Market Halt
15% Trigger:
Trigger Limit: 15%
Trigger Time:
Before 1 pm: 1 hour 45 minutes halt, followed by a 15-minute Pre-Open Call Auction Session
At or after 1:00 pm before 2:00 pm: 45 Minutes halt, followed by a 15-minute Pre-Open Call Auction Session
On or after 2:00 pm: Remainder of the day, not applicable for Post Market Halt
20% Trigger:
Trigger Limit: 20%
Trigger Time: Any time during market hours
Remainder of the day, not applicable for Post Market Halt
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