What is the Statement Of Holdings (SOH)?
The Statement of Holdings (SOH) is a snapshot of all the securities present in your demat account on a specific date. It provides a breakdown, categorizing the securities based on…
The Statement of Holdings (SOH) is a snapshot of all the securities present in your demat account on a specific date. It provides a breakdown, categorizing the securities based on…
To view your historical F&O positions on CubePlus: Log in to CubePlus. Navigate to your User ID. Click on “Reports.” Select “P&L Reports.” Choose the “F&O” option. Click on “Submit.”
The Annual Global Statement (AGS) is a comprehensive report summarizing all your trades, brokerage, taxes, and charges for the past financial year. It encompasses all executed transactions during that period.…
What is CAS? CAS is a comprehensive statement that consolidates transactions and holdings in demat accounts with CDSL and NSDL, as well as mutual fund units held in the Statement…
The Statement of Transactions (SOT) is a document that gives you a clear breakdown of how securities move within your demat account. When you sell shares or units from your…
Clients can sell their pledged holdings in the post-market session between 3:40 pm to 3:59 pm.
Pledging on TradeJini comes with a charge of ₹37.76. We only accept securities approved by the exchange, and the benefits to the client are determined based on the exchange’s haircut…
You can pledge NSE-approved stocks and NSE-approved mutual funds with TradeJini to avail collateral margins.
When you choose to pledge a stock in Sparc (TradeJini Back-office), you will be redirected to the CDSL page. Here, the page will ask you to enter the OTP (One-Time…
In TradeJini, only stocks approved by NSE can be pledged.
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