Reasons for EKYC Application Rejection |
Selfie Not Clear: Your application was rejected due to unclear selfie documentation. Please ensure that the submitted selfie meets the specified requirements for successful verification. |
Different Person on Selfie: The uploaded selfie does not match with the other credentials shared. Kindly upload a clear image of yourself. |
PAN Not Clear: Your application was rejected due to unclear PAN documentation. Please upload a clear image of the original PAN Card. |
Date of Birth Mismatch: There is a mismatch in the Date of Birth as per your PAN card and KYC records. |
Different Person PAN: The PAN card submitted does not match with the applicant details. |
Minor PAN Card: The submission of a PAN card belonging to a minor (below 18 years of age) led to the rejection. |
Address Proof Not Clear: Your application was rejected due to unclear address proof. |
Address Mismatch: There is an address mismatch between the application and details available in Digilocker. |
Signature Mismatch: There is a signature mismatch between the uploaded/drawn signature and the signature available in Digilocker. |
KRA Not Validated: Your KRA has not been validated. |
Nominee Relationship: The relationship mentioned in your nominee details is incorrect. |
Incorrect Income Proof: Wrong documents were submitted as income proof. |
Father Name Mismatch: There are discrepancies in the details inputted against your father’s name. |
Marital Status Mismatch: The chosen marital status does not match with the provided details. |
Gender Mismatch: The gender mentioned in your application does not match with the details as per Digilocker. |
City Name Missing – Nominee: The address mentioned in your nominee details does not have a city name. |
IFSC Missing: The provided penny-drop from your UPI does not have a valid IFSC code. |
POA – Digilocker: The city name as per CVLKRA and Digilocker do not match. |
Minor Nominee: A minor (below 18 years of age) was submitted as a nominee. |
Bank Name Mismatch: The bank details provided do not match with the applicant details. |
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